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International healthcare, medical insurance

Public Health Insurance Everyone, including foreigners, residing in Denmark has the right to health insurance services and hospital assistance covered by the public health insurance. The services included in the public health insurance are free medical consultation from a general practitioner, medical consultation from specialists on referral from a GP and subsidies for medicine, dentist and chiropractor consultations - with a referral from your general practitioner - physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology consultations. The subsidy varies according to type of treatment and will be subtracted from your bill.

One thing to bear in mind. It takes six weeks before some new-comers can become eligible for public health insurance. If you need medical assistance in those first six weeks, you will need to bear the expenses yourself. If you require hospitalization however, it could be covered by the potential insurance provider.

Private Health Insurance

Many foreigners supplement their public insurance coverage with a private insurance coverage as well. Private health insurance covers both part of the self-payment within the public health system and part of the fee at private hospitals and clinics.

The best known private health insurance is Health Insurance Denmark, which primarily subsidises dental treatment, purchase of glasses, chiropractor treatment and medical supplies. The subsidy amount depends on the coverage you choose. To become a member, you must have permanent residence in Denmark, meet a number of health requirements, and pay a membership fee.

In some cases, your employer will take out health insurance for employees.


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