Finding Accommodation, Flatsharing, Hostels in Manila


Prepare for your Housing Search

Two of the biggest determiners in finding an apartment are price and location. These two factors are usually in competition as a better location can result in higher prices. Many people choose to commute into the city for more manageable housing prices. Properties in the central business district and other high-end parts of the metro can reach prices of up to 10 times more than the same kind of property outside the city.

Research and introspection should define your pre-accommodation search. Familiarize yourself with the different areas of Manila and find where you want to live. Read blogs from the area, find official resources and visit the different areas. Ask yourself questions like:

  • How big a place do you want? A studio? A three-bedroom apartment or condo unit? A family house?
  • Where do you want to live? Somewhere close to your work?
  • What's your price range? What are you comfortable paying?

With answers to these important questions, you can begin to think of a specific place.

Room Sharing

Room sharing can be an excellent way to save money on your accommodations. It also offers an opportunity to get to know a new city with a local and a home that is already established. You can split the monthly rent with your roommates as well as payment for utilities.

However, an important trait in any roommate situation is having boundaries and a clear understanding of what each roommate requires. To protect yourself against potential problems should the worst happen, try to arrange it so that your roommates co-sign the lease. This makes all the roommates responsible for whatever happens to the property. If the worst was to happen, such as your roommate losing their job and not being able to pay rent, they will be held financially responsible - not only you.


Hostels are plentiful across Manila. Most are clustered around the cities, although a few are interspersed outside of them. Most hostels only charge PHP 500 per room per night.

Update 9/06/2016


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