Forum Portugal

Fora Expat w Portugal: Zadawaj pytania I bierz udzial w dyskusjach dotyczących zycia Expats.

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☛ EN Advice Expat Meet-ups in Portugal

Temat na forum 'Portugal' rozpoczęty przez texkourgan, Lipiec 8, 2013.

  1. texkourgan

    texkourgan Addicted member
    Networker Editor

    Styczeń 29, 2008
    Amerykański (US)
    English, a little Deutsch
    Hello expats!

    One of the most difficult things about being an expat in Portugal is making new friends. That is one reason why the forum and the EasyExpat site are so useful, but maybe you would like to meet new people in person. On this thread, we would like to encourage you to arrange a meet-up in Portugal.

    An expat meet-up can be a big group gathering, a brunch, getting a coffee, a language exchange, or a sports activity. What do you like to do for fun? Are you looking for a group to join or want to organize a gathering in Portugal?

    We would be happy to help facilitate a meet-up, or support expats organizing a gathering using our social networks: Twitter, Facebook, Google+ & LinkedIn. Have something you would like to plan? Let us know here!

    Check out past gatherings like in Dubai, Milan, or in London

    We look forward to hearing about your meet-ups and expat connections. :D
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  2. Hi , i just thought i would mention that this is a great idea what you are doing. I would have liked to gotten involved if i where staying in Portugal. I decided however partly due to not knowing enough other expats that Portugal is not for me.

    I really hope the social network goes well for you , kind regards

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