Forum South Korea

Forum degli Stranieri in South Korea: Poni delle domande e partecipa a discussioni riguardanti la vita all'estero

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☛ EN Advice Flat or House: How to Rent in South Korea

Discussione in 'South Korea' iniziata da texkourgan, 28 Giugno 2013.

  1. texkourgan

    texkourgan Addicted member
    Networker Editor

    29 Gennaio 2008
    "Mi Piace" ricevuti:
    Americano (US)
    English, a little Deutsch

    One of the first things to do when settling in South Korea is to find a home. In order to rent a flat/apartment or house you should familiarize yourself with the area, determine where you want to live, and evaluate what you need. Consider access to shops, schools, transport, and work.

    If you have already been through the process of selecting a home in South Korea, you can provide valuable advice on how and why you selected your home, and provide tips for people moving to your area.

    How did you find your accommodation? Estate agent or classifieds? Did you use a website? Or did you find your place through friends or word-of-mouth? What do you recommend?

    Was it quick to find or did it take a long time? What are the essential points you considered (transport, schools, shops… etc).

    How much is the average price of accommodation? What are the costs involved for renting? Do you need a deposit? Guarantees?

    What are the formalities and the contract requirements in South Korea? Are there important clauses members should consider? Is there an inventory? What are the conditions for leaving or giving notice?

    Please offer your advice or questions! This is a tricky step in moving abroad and personal advice, mistakes to avoid and things to consider are extremely helpful.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your experience!
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