Forum Austria

Expat Foren in Austria: Stelle Fragen und beteilige dich an Diskussionen bezüglich Ausbürgerung.

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☛ EN Advice Weekend in Austria: what to do?

Dieses Thema im Forum "Austria" wurde erstellt von EasyExpat, 16. August 2018.

  1. EasyExpat

    EasyExpat Administrator

    Registriert seit:
    10. Februar 2003
    Vereinigtes Königreich
    Britisch (GB)
    English, Français
    Hello and welcome!

    What are your tips to make the most of your weekend in Austria?
    What are the places to visit, whether alone, as a couple, with friends or with family? Are there any activities, exhibitions, events that you particularly recommend? What are the organised festivals?

    To talk more specifically about your experience, what do you do during the weekends in Austria?
    Share with us your good plans, your habits and desires for outings.

    Thank you in advance for your answers and good discussion!
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